Friday, September 13, 2013

DSEI 2013: D-DALUS UAV showcases innovative design features

From Janes: Austrian company IAT21 Innovative Aeronautics Technologies has showcased an innovative new rotary-winged unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that uses 'cyclogyro' technology to generate lift and thrust at the DSEI defence and security exhibition in London. Dubbed the D-DALUS, the vehicle is driven by four sets of contra-rotating disks powered by a conventional aero-engine. The disks, which rotate at 2,200 rpm generating 1,000 g at the circumference, are fitted with blades whose angle of attack (AoA) can be altered by offsetting the axis of the rotating disks. As each blade can be given a different AoA, the resulting main thrust can be directed 360° around any axis. Read more at:

1 comment:

  1. State of the Art - Novel InFlow Tech - Featured Project Development; / ·1; Rotary-Turbo-InFlow Tech / - GEARTURBINE PROJECT Have the similar basic system of the Aeolipilie Heron Steam Turbine device from Alexandria 10-70 AD * With Retrodynamic = DextroRPM VS LevoInFlow + Ying Yang Way Power Type - Non Waste Looses *8X/Y Thermodynamic CYCLE Way Steps. Higher efficient percent. No blade erosion by sand & very low heat target signature Pat:197187IMPI MX Dic1991 Atypical Motor Engine Type /·2; Imploturbocompressor; One Moving Part System Excellence Design - The InFlow Interaction comes from Macro-Flow and goes to Micro-Flow by Implossion - Only One Compression Step; Inflow, Compression and outflow at one simple circular dynamic motion / New Concept. To see a Imploturbocompressor animation, is posible on a simple way, just to check an Hurricane Satellite view, and is the same implo inflow way nature
