Wednesday, September 18, 2013

India Conducts a Second Test of Agni V IRBM

From India Conducts a Second Test of Agni V IRBM India performed today the second test flight of its largest ballistic missile – ‘Agni V’. This intermediate range ballistic missile (IRBM) has a strike range of more than 5,000 km. The three stage, solid propellant missile was test-fired on 08:50 AM from a mobile launcher from the launch complex-4 of the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Wheeler Island off Odisha coast. The surface-to-surface missile can carry a nuclear warhead of more than one tonne. Read the full story at

Friday, September 13, 2013

F-35 Variants: A Graphical Overview

Pictures from

DSEI 2013: D-DALUS UAV showcases innovative design features

From Janes: Austrian company IAT21 Innovative Aeronautics Technologies has showcased an innovative new rotary-winged unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that uses 'cyclogyro' technology to generate lift and thrust at the DSEI defence and security exhibition in London. Dubbed the D-DALUS, the vehicle is driven by four sets of contra-rotating disks powered by a conventional aero-engine. The disks, which rotate at 2,200 rpm generating 1,000 g at the circumference, are fitted with blades whose angle of attack (AoA) can be altered by offsetting the axis of the rotating disks. As each blade can be given a different AoA, the resulting main thrust can be directed 360° around any axis. Read more at:

Russia unveils plans for new anti-missile system, 5th-generation fighter jet

From Russia is developing a fifth-generation unmanned fighter jet and a completely new missile defense system which can simultaneously engage several supersonic targets in space, it has been revealed at the MAKS-2013 airshow. Read more:

Up close and personal with Russia’s 5th generation stealth fighter: first close-up pictures of the PAK-FA

From During the recent MAKS airshow, Sukhoi allowed for the first time journalists to have a look at the T-50 (PAK FA – Perspektivny Aviatsionny Kompleks Frontovoy Aviatsii—Future Tactical Air System) from short distance. Marina Lystseva of was among them and took the images you can find in this post (the rest is here). The fifth generation fighter plane was inside a hangar at Zhukovsky flight test facility. Read more at: Also, some of the best pictures of the T-50/PAK-FA in fight, here:

Czech-Slovak defence accord paves way for MRO work in Slovakia

From Janes: I don't know how many people this affects... but it affects me... The governments of neighbouring countries the Czech Republic and Slovakia have concluded an agreement that will remove barriers to the repair and maintenance of Czech military aircraft. Read more at:

LRASM completes successful first flight test

From Adversaries’ sophisticated air defense systems can make it difficult for current air- and surface-launched anti-ship missiles to hit their targets at long range. To engage specific enemy warships from beyond the reach of counter-fire systems, warfighters may require launching multiple missiles or employing overhead targeting assets such as radar-equipped planes or Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites-resources that may not always be available. To help address these challenges, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Office of Naval Research (ONR) are collaborating on the Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) program, which successfully launched its first prototype on August 27. Read more: